Da Greasy Guide: Chocolate City

What's happening in the DC/Maryland Area.

Sunday, June 12, 2005

Fashion Sundays

Sunday, June 12th, 2-5pm, Toast and Strawberries will hold its monthly program at 1608-20th St. NW, Washington, DC 20009, Dupont Circle, Tel. 202- 234-1212.

Once a month, Toast and Strawberries does a FASHION SUNDAY—an afternoon of Fashion and a community program of talent, song or poetry.

This Sunday, there will be an informal showing of fashions by Toast and Strawberries jewelry and fashion designs .

The Show is a birthday Celebration for Rosemary Reed, who founded Toast and Strawberries over 35 years ago. We ask that people bring no presents… only a poem, song or dance.
Also, we will have South African jewelry designer, Christine Fischer, who works with a women’s bead cooperative, X3 which is about 100 kilometers outside Johannesburg.

All are invited. Light refreshments. In previous months Toast and Strawberries, the unique boutique, which opened the in late 1960’s, has saluted the Honorable Carol Schwartz, City Council, and former radio personality and model Lady Sara Lou Harris Carter.

Monday, June 13th, 6-9pm, Toast and Strawberries sponsors a monthly business card-networking evening once a month. There is a small fee for participants. Each is encouraged to stand and talk about their projects or businesses. The Business Evening has been held for over 10 years at the Store, and the many attendees have been able to make contracts and good contacts.

For further details call: Rosemary E. Reed Miller, Tel. 202- 234-1212, 11-7pm, Website:Toastandstrawberries.com
E-mail: Rosemaryreed2@netzero.com

June 12, Sun, 2-5pm, Show at 3pm. A support afternoon for HIV Positive bead workers in S. Africa. Designer Christine Fischer will be in Toast And Strawberries boutique, 1608-Conn.Ave, NW, Dupont Circle. Please come; tell friends. Need volunteer models, male and female for show. Bring friends; bring a camera..have fun. tel. 202- 234-1212


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